
The Unity of Christ and the Church
This podcast episode discusses the unity of Christ and the Church, with the Church being the body of Christ and the faithful members being the bride betrothed to Christ. It emphasizes the personal relationship between Christ and the Church, and how we are called to pattern our lives after the life of Jesus.
The unity of Christ and the church is a personal relationship between head and members.
04:21 - 07:48 (03:26)
The unity of Christ and the church is a personal relationship between head and members. The church provides gifts and assistance to help each other along the way of salvation, and is referred to as a bride betrothed to Christ the Lord to become one spirit with him.
ChapterThe Unity of Christ and the Church
EpisodeDay 112: The Church Is the Bride
PodcastThe Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The church is the means by which Jesus extends his reign over all things, and as it continues to grow and bring God's grace to the world, Christ's preeminence is demonstrated.
07:48 - 09:16 (01:28)
The church is the means by which Jesus extends his reign over all things, and as it continues to grow and bring God's grace to the world, Christ's preeminence is demonstrated.
ChapterThe Unity of Christ and the Church
EpisodeDay 112: The Church Is the Bride
PodcastThe Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The mystery of Jesus' suffering and resurrection teaches us to pattern our lives after his virtuous example and be willing to suffer as he did, so that we may also be glorified.
09:16 - 10:39 (01:22)
The mystery of Jesus' suffering and resurrection teaches us to pattern our lives after his virtuous example and be willing to suffer as he did, so that we may also be glorified.