This episode delves into the creation and eventual downfall of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney's first successful animated character, and how a contractual disagreement led to Walt Disney losing control of him.
35:04 - 39:29 (04:25)
This episode delves into the creation and eventual downfall of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney's first successful animated character, and how a contractual disagreement led to Walt Disney losing control of him.
ChapterThe Untold Story of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
EpisodeSPECIAL: Walt Disney (Part 1)
PodcastMy First Million
The podcast discusses the history of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, the cartoon character who was the predecessor to Mickey Mouse.
39:29 - 40:19 (00:49)
The podcast discusses the history of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, the cartoon character who was the predecessor to Mickey Mouse. It follows the story of how Oswald was owned by Al Michaels instead of Walt Disney, leading to the creation of Mickey Mouse after Disney lost the rights to the character.