

The Value of Myths and Legends in Geology
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21:53 - 26:50 (04:56)

Geologists have to defend the idea that myths, legends, and folk traditions contain factual accounts of natural disasters, early fossil finds, and weird events in the Earth. These accounts can provide valuable information and must be correlated with scientific discoveries to understand past events.

Pre-scientific and pre-literate cultures pass valuable information through myths, legends, and folk traditions, including eyewitness accounts of natural disasters, early discoveries of fossils, and weird events in the earth.
21:53 - 26:50 (04:56)
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Pre-scientific and pre-literate cultures pass valuable information through myths, legends, and folk traditions, including eyewitness accounts of natural disasters, early discoveries of fossils, and weird events in the earth. By deciphering these accounts and correlating them with known geological observations, scientists can uncover rich historical accounts and learn more about the natural world.

The Value of Myths and Legends in Geology
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