
The Value of New TLDs
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23:31 - 26:38 (03:07)

The use of new top-level domains (TLDs) can be beneficial for photographers and businesses in favor of longer, more descriptive domain names. However, in auction theory, optimizing for fair prices can be more important than maximizing profits.

In auction theory, the goal is to optimize for the fairest price, not necessarily the highest price.
23:31 - 24:51 (01:20)
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Auction theory

In auction theory, the goal is to optimize for the fairest price, not necessarily the highest price. However, emotional attachment can drive bidding higher than optimal.

The Value of New TLDs
#18 - The Big Business of Wacky Domains
My First Million
The founders of an innovative high stakes internet auction for buying and selling digital real estate discuss the eight-month journey from inception to their first auction and the surprising success of their platform.
24:51 - 25:28 (00:37)
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Internet Auctions

The founders of an innovative high stakes internet auction for buying and selling digital real estate discuss the eight-month journey from inception to their first auction and the surprising success of their platform.

The Value of New TLDs
#18 - The Big Business of Wacky Domains
My First Million
Some people are willing to pay a high price to get their preferred domain name on custom top-level domains (TLDs) like .photography, .wedding or .city.
25:28 - 26:38 (01:10)
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Custom TLDs

Some people are willing to pay a high price to get their preferred domain name on custom top-level domains (TLDs) like .photography, .wedding or .city. While they tend to be more expensive, those TLDs can offer a better fit and more relevance for specific professions or geographic locations.

The Value of New TLDs
#18 - The Big Business of Wacky Domains
My First Million