
The Viability of Clean Energy
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35:07 - 42:30 (07:22)

The lack of a solid funding structure has been a major obstacle for the spread and implementation of clean technology, which presents a major problem as natural disasters and fires caused by climate change continue to wreak havoc. However, some have suggested solutions such as placing solar panels in space and beaming the energy to Earth.

Shaq Khan, a former Spotify employee, is known as an international man of mystery who is hired for special projects by top CEOs.
35:07 - 36:06 (00:58)
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Shaq Khan

Shaq Khan, a former Spotify employee, is known as an international man of mystery who is hired for special projects by top CEOs. He was instrumental in helping create CoinDesk during the initial Bitcoin run-up.

The Viability of Clean Energy
#108 with Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal - Brainstorming with the Acquired Podcast
My First Million
The idea of creating a news and information site for Bitcoin, similar to Bloomberg or CNBC, was discussed due to its potential and flexible execution.
36:06 - 37:13 (01:07)
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The idea of creating a news and information site for Bitcoin, similar to Bloomberg or CNBC, was discussed due to its potential and flexible execution. Mark Andreessen also shared career advice, such as going with your smartest friends to discover exciting new things in the world.

The Viability of Clean Energy
#108 with Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal - Brainstorming with the Acquired Podcast
My First Million
A possible solution to the energy problem could be to put solar panels into space and harness the sun's energy and beam it to earth.
37:15 - 40:34 (03:19)
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Solar Energy

A possible solution to the energy problem could be to put solar panels into space and harness the sun's energy and beam it to earth. Some smart people are now choosing to work on climate issues rather than start a company in another field.

The Viability of Clean Energy
#108 with Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal - Brainstorming with the Acquired Podcast
My First Million
The insurance industry has been slow to adapt to the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, particularly fires in California, due to their reliance on outdated models.
40:34 - 42:30 (01:55)
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Climate Change

The insurance industry has been slow to adapt to the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, particularly fires in California, due to their reliance on outdated models. This podcast explores the challenges that come with climate change and the need for a new funding structure to support clean tech.

The Viability of Clean Energy
#108 with Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal - Brainstorming with the Acquired Podcast
My First Million