
The 10x Rule For Startup Success
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20:41 - 23:44 (03:02)

The 10x rule is a concept where a startup should aim to be at least 10 times better than its closest competitor in one particular aspect, such as cost, efficiency, or customer experience, to achieve success. This approach to business encourages entrepreneurs to focus on creating significant and unique value for their customers.

These are the three basic criteria to keep in mind when developing a healthcare unit: solve significant problems, capture a significant market goal, and produce a unique insight ten times better than what's already there.
20:41 - 21:23 (00:41)
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These are the three basic criteria to keep in mind when developing a healthcare unit: solve significant problems, capture a significant market goal, and produce a unique insight ten times better than what's already there.

The 10x Rule For Startup Success
#15 - Dr. Iman's Incredible Idea
My First Million
In this podcast episode, the guest speaker discusses the criteria for a product or innovation to be considered as 10 times better, focusing on being faster, better, or cheaper while meeting customer needs.
21:24 - 22:41 (01:17)
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In this podcast episode, the guest speaker discusses the criteria for a product or innovation to be considered as 10 times better, focusing on being faster, better, or cheaper while meeting customer needs.

The 10x Rule For Startup Success
#15 - Dr. Iman's Incredible Idea
My First Million
Daphne Koller, founder and CEO of insitro, talks about the ideation process and founder market fit with healthcare, sharing how she filtered out ideas and got inspiration for her startup, and how she coped with the pressure of Demo Day.
22:41 - 23:44 (01:03)
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Daphne Koller, founder and CEO of insitro, talks about the ideation process and founder market fit with healthcare, sharing how she filtered out ideas and got inspiration for her startup, and how she coped with the pressure of Demo Day.

The 10x Rule For Startup Success
#15 - Dr. Iman's Incredible Idea
My First Million