Timing Intercourse for Fertility
When trying to conceive, it's important for couples to time intercourse properly. If a couple has intercourse with ejaculation many times on the day prior to ovulation, the number of high-quality sperm on the day of ovulation will be greatly diminished.
The use of smartphones and laptops has been linked to diminishing sperm counts and low-quality ejaculate due to their heat-related and non-heat related impact.
1:41:47 - 1:44:27 (02:40)
The use of smartphones and laptops has been linked to diminishing sperm counts and low-quality ejaculate due to their heat-related and non-heat related impact. Studies have shown that sperm counts have decreased significantly over the years, and carrying smartphones in pockets has been identified as a contributing factor.
ChapterTiming Intercourse for Fertility
EpisodeHow to Optimize Fertility in Males & Females
PodcastHuberman Lab
Regular duration ovulatory cycles are the ideal circumstance to favor fertilization.
1:44:27 - 1:56:05 (11:37)
Regular duration ovulatory cycles are the ideal circumstance to favor fertilization. Intercourse with ejaculation should be planned on the day prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation without diminishing the concentration of high-quality sperm for the best chance of successful fertilization.