
Tips for Organizing your Thoughts During a Debate
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18:25 - 24:13 (05:48)

The speaker shares their techniques for organizing their thoughts during a debate, such as jotting down key points or creating a Google doc outline.

The guest expresses his preference towards JRPGs such as Final Fantasy for their compelling stories and character development, rather than Elder Scrolls games like Skyrim and Fallout that he dislikes.
18:25 - 19:14 (00:49)
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The guest expresses his preference towards JRPGs such as Final Fantasy for their compelling stories and character development, rather than Elder Scrolls games like Skyrim and Fallout that he dislikes. The host mentions he recently talked to Todd Howard, creator of Elder Scrolls, and asks for guest's thoughts on the game.

Tips for Organizing your Thoughts During a Debate
#337 – Destiny: Politics, Free Speech, Controversy, Sex, War, and Relationships
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker discusses how playing story-based games with well-developed characters helped to improve their academic performance in school by stimulating their brain.
19:14 - 20:58 (01:43)
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Video Games

The speaker discusses how playing story-based games with well-developed characters helped to improve their academic performance in school by stimulating their brain.

Tips for Organizing your Thoughts During a Debate
#337 – Destiny: Politics, Free Speech, Controversy, Sex, War, and Relationships
Lex Fridman Podcast
Taking notes during a political debate can help you stay centered on your response and challenge the opponent's argument without getting sidetracked.
20:58 - 23:00 (02:02)
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Taking notes during a political debate can help you stay centered on your response and challenge the opponent's argument without getting sidetracked. It can also serve as a tool to respond to all points made by your opponent during the argument.

Tips for Organizing your Thoughts During a Debate
#337 – Destiny: Politics, Free Speech, Controversy, Sex, War, and Relationships
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker discusses memory retention techniques including creating an outline and reading information repetitively to aid in understanding and retention of new information.
23:00 - 24:13 (01:13)
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Memory Retention

The speaker discusses memory retention techniques including creating an outline and reading information repetitively to aid in understanding and retention of new information. They also mention using this technique when researching specific topics such as vaccines.

Tips for Organizing your Thoughts During a Debate
#337 – Destiny: Politics, Free Speech, Controversy, Sex, War, and Relationships
Lex Fridman Podcast