
Tips on Addressing Your Child's Tantrums
Providing your child with a predictable schedule can reduce the severity and frequency of their temper tantrums. This helps them feel more secure and less fearful of not getting their needs met, ultimately leading to a better behaved child.
By establishing a schedule for your child and figuring out what triggers their tantrums, parents can help reduce the frequency and intensity of tantrums in their children.
17:54 - 20:17 (02:23)
By establishing a schedule for your child and figuring out what triggers their tantrums, parents can help reduce the frequency and intensity of tantrums in their children.
ChapterTips on Addressing Your Child's Tantrums
EpisodeSelects: How Temper Tantrums Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Establishing routines such as regular sleep, feeding, and interaction can help stabilize a child and prevent temper tantrums.
20:17 - 20:45 (00:28)
Establishing routines such as regular sleep, feeding, and interaction can help stabilize a child and prevent temper tantrums. Empowering children and providing them with a sense of control can also reduce frustration and tantrums.