This is a collection of random phrases and sentences from a transcript, without any context or connection.
39:51 - 42:49 (02:57)
This is a collection of random phrases and sentences from a transcript, without any context or connection.
ChapterOnline Dating in Arkansas
Episode#4 - Marie Faustin & Matteo Lane
PodcastStavvy's World
The speaker shares the challenges he faces in dealing with heartbreak and the temptation to relapse into drug use after his partner abruptly broke up with him via text message.
42:49 - 43:16 (00:27)
The speaker shares the challenges he faces in dealing with heartbreak and the temptation to relapse into drug use after his partner abruptly broke up with him via text message. He struggles with unanswered questions and desires to confront his ex-partner, who has started going to the same gym as him.