

Understanding Fear and Memory
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32:26 - 42:55 (10:29)

The fear response can be learned in association with specific events and can quickly batch many events in time in order to create one specific fear or a large general sense of fear, due to fear being an important aspect of the memory system.

Pavlovian conditioning is a memory system that helps us to avoid making bad decisions.
32:26 - 38:22 (05:56)
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Pavlovian conditioning

Pavlovian conditioning is a memory system that helps us to avoid making bad decisions. Dogs can be conditioned to salivate in response to the sound of a bell, a process important for understanding fear and threat responses.

Understanding Fear and Memory
Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear
Huberman Lab
The fear response can be caused by one intense experience or learned through association with particular events; it can create long-lasting physiological and psychological impacts.
38:22 - 42:55 (04:32)
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Fear Response

The fear response can be caused by one intense experience or learned through association with particular events; it can create long-lasting physiological and psychological impacts. The fear system is wired to batch many events in time or create a large general sense of fear from an isolated incident, including memories that happen within a moment or over a long period of time that can form into a general sense of relationships or location being bad.

Understanding Fear and Memory
Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear
Huberman Lab