Understanding the Balance of Energy In versus Energy Out
This podcast explores the concept of energy in versus energy out and how it relates to weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, and body composition. It explains that the process of extracting energy from food can vary based on factors such as insoluble fiber and metabolic rate.
The balance of energy in versus energy out is the key to understanding weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, and body composition.
07:22 - 12:21 (04:58)
The balance of energy in versus energy out is the key to understanding weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, and body composition. The energy we get from food is converted into ATP through processes such as beta oxidation and muscle protein synthesis.
ChapterUnderstanding the Balance of Energy In versus Energy Out
EpisodeDr. Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle
PodcastHuberman Lab
Insoluble fiber in food is not digestible, making the carbohydrates and protein bound up inaccessible to digestive enzymes.
12:21 - 16:10 (03:48)
Insoluble fiber in food is not digestible, making the carbohydrates and protein bound up inaccessible to digestive enzymes. People's individual gut microbiome may play a role in extracting energy from fiber, which accounts for 5-10% of daily energy expenditure.