The microprocessor processes information and performs basic arithmetic operations, and it fits on a microchip, which was invented about 40 years ago.
02:13 - 07:27 (05:14)
The microprocessor processes information and performs basic arithmetic operations, and it fits on a microchip, which was invented about 40 years ago. In contrast, the US dollar was created over 200 years ago, while the first decentralized cryptocurrency was released just over 10 years ago.
ChapterUnderstanding the Basics of Microprocessors
Episode#104 – David Patterson: Computer Architecture and Data Storage
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
Gordon Moore predicted in 1965 that the number of transistors in a microchip would double every year for the next decade, a prediction that became known as Moore's Law.
07:27 - 09:38 (02:11)
Gordon Moore predicted in 1965 that the number of transistors in a microchip would double every year for the next decade, a prediction that became known as Moore's Law. He also mentioned several implications of this prediction, such as the possibility of computers being in cars and grocery stores.