Understanding the Differences Between Stability and Robustness in Back Pain
In the world of powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting, people tend to focus only on squat bench and deadlift and ignore the importance of including other movements in order to maintain longevity and boost tissue tolerance. Understanding the concepts of stability and robustness can help individuals define recommendations in back pain management.
Experts discuss the difference between back stability and robustness, explaining that stability is the ability of a system to return to normal after a disturbance, while robustness refers to the ability to resist disturbances.
1:09:13 - 1:12:32 (03:19)
Experts discuss the difference between back stability and robustness, explaining that stability is the ability of a system to return to normal after a disturbance, while robustness refers to the ability to resist disturbances. Recommendations for improving low back stability and robustness may differ based on the situation.
ChapterUnderstanding the Differences Between Stability and Robustness in Back Pain
Episode#491: Dr. Stefi Cohen — 25 World Records, Power Training, Deadlifting 4.4x Bodyweight, Sports Psychology, Overcoming Pain, and More
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
In weight training, it is important to incorporate a variety of movements in order to maintain longevity, boost tissue tolerance and remain injury-free.
1:12:32 - 1:16:08 (03:36)
In weight training, it is important to incorporate a variety of movements in order to maintain longevity, boost tissue tolerance and remain injury-free. Lack of movement variability is often a leading cause of injury.