Jessica Hahn idolized Jim Baker and was working as a church secretary when he called her into the office and told her to ignore her nanny duties.
1:10:59 - 1:11:40 (00:40)
Jessica Hahn idolized Jim Baker and was working as a church secretary when he called her into the office and told her to ignore her nanny duties.
ChapterUnderstanding the Language Used by Mainstream News Outlets
EpisodePart One: The Rise And Fall (And Rise) of Arch-Grifter Jim Bakker
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The media sometimes portrays allegations of non-consensual acts in a skewed way, with some news outlets doing a better job of covering the facts.
1:11:40 - 1:14:17 (02:36)
The media sometimes portrays allegations of non-consensual acts in a skewed way, with some news outlets doing a better job of covering the facts. Jim Baker's response to feeling emasculated by his wife is also discussed.
ChapterUnderstanding the Language Used by Mainstream News Outlets
EpisodePart One: The Rise And Fall (And Rise) of Arch-Grifter Jim Bakker
PodcastBehind the Bastards
The lack of criminal charges against politicians in the US is discussed, with emphasis on the lack of consequences for their actions.
1:14:17 - 1:15:10 (00:53)
The lack of criminal charges against politicians in the US is discussed, with emphasis on the lack of consequences for their actions.