
Unpacking the Death of Michelle O'Connell
The toxicology reports of Michelle O'Connell, who died from a bullet wound, showed that she had alcohol in her system but not pills, which were found in her purse. Michelle had confided in her sister about Jeremy's violent behavior towards her, including strangulation and unwanted sexual activity.
Despite the presence of empty pill bottles in her purse, Michelle O'Connell’s autopsy report did not show any trace of pills.
15:02 - 22:07 (07:04)
Despite the presence of empty pill bottles in her purse, Michelle O'Connell’s autopsy report did not show any trace of pills. Michelle had confided in her sister about the choking, unwanted sexual behaviors and hitting done by her boyfriend Jeremy Banks.
ChapterUnpacking the Death of Michelle O'Connell
EpisodeMYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Michelle O’Connell
PodcastCrime Junkie
An internal report from the sheriff's office indicated that text messages from a woman during a high-profile police case show that she was a clearly upset person with the potential to end her own life.
22:07 - 23:59 (01:51)
An internal report from the sheriff's office indicated that text messages from a woman during a high-profile police case show that she was a clearly upset person with the potential to end her own life. The text messages were believed to be interpreted both ways as a genuine threat, or a cry for help.