
Using spaced repetition to improve learning
The science of reminding, also known as spaced repetition, can improve learning retention through repeated reminders over time. This method contrasts with East Coast media, which prioritizes the writer over the content, resulting in a limited and insular perspective.
The concept of entropy is being applied to the state of the Internet in the modern era, which could lead to a revolution of personalized, curated content rather than the nonstop barrage of information we are currently faced with online.
18:58 - 20:48 (01:50)
The concept of entropy is being applied to the state of the Internet in the modern era, which could lead to a revolution of personalized, curated content rather than the nonstop barrage of information we are currently faced with online.
ChapterUsing spaced repetition to improve learning
Episode#178 with Balaji - Balaji on How to Fix the Media, Cloud Communities & Crypto
PodcastMy First Million
In this podcast, Kara Swisher discusses the issue of circle jerk communities in media and Silicon Valley, and how it affects the industry.
20:48 - 22:31 (01:42)
In this podcast, Kara Swisher discusses the issue of circle jerk communities in media and Silicon Valley, and how it affects the industry. She also touches on the topic of anonymous work.