
Whistleblowers on UAP/UFO issue
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13:06 - 21:02 (07:55)

The U.S. government has allowed people, including contractors, to come out as witnesses and whistleblowers on the UAP/UFO issue, in order to gather first-hand accounts of the phenomena. With this move, the government hopes to collect direct and specific information from contractors such as Lockheed Skunkworks, Northrop, Raytheon, Booze Allen Hamilton, Mitre Corporation, SAIC, etc.

Dr. Steven Greer recounts a two to three-hour meeting in the Pentagon where the Assistant Chief of the Joint Staff (ACJ) expressed concern about a secret organization with technologies superior to the B-2 Stealth Bomber.
13:06 - 14:31 (01:24)
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Secret Organization

Dr. Steven Greer recounts a two to three-hour meeting in the Pentagon where the Assistant Chief of the Joint Staff (ACJ) expressed concern about a secret organization with technologies superior to the B-2 Stealth Bomber.

Whistleblowers on UAP/UFO issue
#48 Dr. Steven Greer - Mystery Behind UFO / UAPs, Alien Phenomenon, and The Secret Government
Shawn Ryan Show
The UAP UFO Summit event that took place a month and a half ago allowed people, including contractors from companies such as Lockheed, Raytheon, and Booz Allen Hamilton, to come out as witnesses and whistleblowers on the issue.
14:31 - 16:38 (02:07)
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The UAP UFO Summit event that took place a month and a half ago allowed people, including contractors from companies such as Lockheed, Raytheon, and Booz Allen Hamilton, to come out as witnesses and whistleblowers on the issue. Sociopaths and criminals cannot be deterred without the use of law and power.

Whistleblowers on UAP/UFO issue
#48 Dr. Steven Greer - Mystery Behind UFO / UAPs, Alien Phenomenon, and The Secret Government
Shawn Ryan Show
The value of whistleblowers and eyewitness accounts in proving UFO sightings and the effect of documentaries in reaching a widespread audience.
16:38 - 19:28 (02:50)
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UFO sightings

The value of whistleblowers and eyewitness accounts in proving UFO sightings and the effect of documentaries in reaching a widespread audience. Personal anecdote about the speaker’s uncle’s involvement in the lunar landing included.

Whistleblowers on UAP/UFO issue
#48 Dr. Steven Greer - Mystery Behind UFO / UAPs, Alien Phenomenon, and The Secret Government
Shawn Ryan Show
The Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah is associated with false flag or deceptive indication and warning operations, and they have the capability to create similar objects to those observed in the sky.
19:28 - 21:02 (01:33)
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False Flag Operations

The Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah is associated with false flag or deceptive indication and warning operations, and they have the capability to create similar objects to those observed in the sky.

Whistleblowers on UAP/UFO issue
#48 Dr. Steven Greer - Mystery Behind UFO / UAPs, Alien Phenomenon, and The Secret Government
Shawn Ryan Show