

Why the public isn't ready for war
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1:45:50 - 1:51:22 (05:32)

The author says that he has read a lot of modern histories on the subject and he has a very interesting viewpoint on the subject.

Historian Campbell Craig argues that FDR's decision to take America into WW2 was controversial at the time and that some historians, like Charles Austin Beard, believed it to be a conspiracy.
1:45:50 - 1:48:10 (02:19)
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FDR, WW2, Controversy

Historian Campbell Craig argues that FDR's decision to take America into WW2 was controversial at the time and that some historians, like Charles Austin Beard, believed it to be a conspiracy. However, FDR may have had a more far-seeing perspective on the situation than the American public, which later approved of his decision and discredited Beard's argument.

Why the public isn't ready for war
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Modern histories on WWII offer an opposing viewpoint that the war in China was a proxy war not only for the US but for Great Britain as well.
1:48:10 - 1:51:22 (03:12)
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World War II

Modern histories on WWII offer an opposing viewpoint that the war in China was a proxy war not only for the US but for Great Britain as well. Japan was already in a war with the US, as well as the Soviet Union, without a single US troop, and FDR was possibly following that principle.

Why the public isn't ready for war
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History