

Will a decentralized society truly be achieved?
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31:39 - 41:51 (10:11)

Achieving a hyper decentralized world may not be possible as any collection of power results in centralization of control. Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin fanboys may prophesize this, but disparities in power will always exist.

The idea of a perfectly decentralized world in crypto is unrealistic and the concentration of power will always lead to centralization of control within that power.
31:39 - 37:26 (05:47)
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The idea of a perfectly decentralized world in crypto is unrealistic and the concentration of power will always lead to centralization of control within that power. While it's a popular concept in the crypto community, it's important to understand the disparities in power and the limitations of decentralization.

Will a decentralized society truly be achieved?
#088 - Nat Eliason - The Five Best Books You've Never Read
Modern Wisdom
The argument between centralization and decentralization will continue to swing back and forth as we see the pros and cons of both models.
37:26 - 38:54 (01:28)
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centralization, decentralization

The argument between centralization and decentralization will continue to swing back and forth as we see the pros and cons of both models. While certain areas require centralized power, the downsides of centralized models will lead to eventual swings back towards decentralization.

Will a decentralized society truly be achieved?
#088 - Nat Eliason - The Five Best Books You've Never Read
Modern Wisdom
The speaker argues that while international policy may have taken a hit, Trump's presidency has been good for American democracy as it has shown the strength of the country's checks and balances.
38:54 - 41:51 (02:56)
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American democracy

The speaker argues that while international policy may have taken a hit, Trump's presidency has been good for American democracy as it has shown the strength of the country's checks and balances. The speaker believes that the fear surrounding Trump's candidacy has not been reflected in people's daily lives and that Trump's presidency has not had a detrimental impact on most Americans.

Will a decentralized society truly be achieved?
#088 - Nat Eliason - The Five Best Books You've Never Read
Modern Wisdom