Investing can generate a high return, but it is important to be realistic about the potential results. Even if you are able to consistently achieve a 50% return, it would take many years to reach significant financial goals.
The speaker discusses unconventional investment opportunities such as crypto mining and property. However, they remain skeptical about the returns associated with these investment options and question if some individuals make more money from telling others to invest than from the investments themselves.
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the benefits of having a consistent investing strategy, such as automatically investing a certain amount every month or putting a percentage of a windfall into investments. They also explain the importance of separating investments into different portfolios with specific agendas.
Investing in yourself can provide a higher return on investment than traditional investment strategies. By using excess cash to improve personal skills and learn new information, individuals can potentially achieve greater financial success in the long run.
The speaker discusses the potential income from investments made in a good fund, with a conservative estimate of tripling the initial investment over a seven to 10 year period, resulting in a profit of $36 million and a 20% carry fee.
The hosts discuss the importance of setting financial goals that are realistic and achievable in order to achieve financial security and stability through investing for compound interest. They also discuss how setting a specific monetary goal can motivate an individual in their pursuit of financial stability.