

Chaos and Desperation in Nanking during Japanese Occupation
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41:17 - 43:46 (02:28)

The Japanese units learned of the Chinese retreat on December 13th, which leads to skirmished and ultimately surrender by many Chinese soldiers. The attack on Nanking appears out of control from the start with glory-hungry units leading the charge, which can be compared to the sack of Carthage by the Romans.

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The Nanking Massacre was a period of mass murder and war atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against the residents of Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
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Nanking Massacre.

The Nanking Massacre was a period of mass murder and war atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against the residents of Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Although there were no orders to rape or to exterminate the enemy, there was a take-no-prisoners policy, and Japanese soldiers began to execute Chinese prisoners of war and unarmed deserters who had surrendered.

The Nanking Massacre
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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In this segment, insensitive and derogatory speech is used while recounting past experiences.
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In this segment, insensitive and derogatory speech is used while recounting past experiences.

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Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast
Japanese soldiers in China in 1937 had a "no prisoners" policy and killed thousands of abandoned enemy bodies, POWs and civilians.
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Mass Killing, Chinese POWs, Japanese soldiers, 1937

Japanese soldiers in China in 1937 had a "no prisoners" policy and killed thousands of abandoned enemy bodies, POWs and civilians. The Japanese soldiers lured groups of 100 to 200 Chinese people to secluded locations to be killed en masse.

The Retreat and Surrendering of Chinese Troops During the Nanking Massacre
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The photo of the beheading of an Australian commando in WWII that has caused controversy was taken at the request of the Japanese officer who was conducting the execution.
2:20:04 - 2:25:32 (05:27)
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The photo of the beheading of an Australian commando in WWII that has caused controversy was taken at the request of the Japanese officer who was conducting the execution. The practice of taking pictures of executions and war crimes was not uncommon, but it raises ethical questions about the act of preserving these moments in history.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Despite the worker's armed pickets and strikes, 200,000 workers were defeated in the midst of nationalist communist tensions, resulting in Chiang Kai-shek's white terror.
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Shanghai Worker's Movement

Despite the worker's armed pickets and strikes, 200,000 workers were defeated in the midst of nationalist communist tensions, resulting in Chiang Kai-shek's white terror. Communist and left KMT leadership told the workers to let in Chiang Kai-shek's army into Shanghai.

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