Being a nation of weirdos makes us creative since it is selecting for people who are outside the norm and immigrants also undergo a certain brutality of switch in their lives. This is not the same for countries like Denmark or Germany that have more social security measures.
To understand opposing views, it's important to expose ourselves to perspectives other than our own. This allows us to have a better understanding of different worldviews and find common ground with those who hold different opinions.
Dr. David P. Brown expresses his opinions on immigration and suggests that a democratically chosen modest amount of immigration is essential for a country's growth and if chosen correctly, they can be a net benefit to the country.
The speaker questions the point of being racist towards Greenland and finds it bizarre and weird.
The podcast discusses how being born in a specific place affects an individual's upbringing and cultural conditionings.
The challenge before us now is to reimagine and reinvent what common life means, even if our political life weren't so fractured. A practical way to do so is through practicing presence and getting to know our neighbors who have become strangers.