

Mass Killing of Chinese POWs by the Japanese in 1937
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43:46 - 45:45 (01:59)

Japanese soldiers in China in 1937 had a "no prisoners" policy and killed thousands of abandoned enemy bodies, POWs and civilians. The Japanese soldiers lured groups of 100 to 200 Chinese people to secluded locations to be killed en masse.

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Nanking Massacre.

The Nanking Massacre was a period of mass murder and war atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against the residents of Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Although there were no orders to rape or to exterminate the enemy, there was a take-no-prisoners policy, and Japanese soldiers began to execute Chinese prisoners of war and unarmed deserters who had surrendered.

The Nanking Massacre
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Japanese occupation of Nanking

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A rolling program of replacing prisons and using technology to secure people in their homes or in different environments is necessary to change how we treat people who have committed crimes, as they are much more likely to behave normally when they come out of a normal environment rather than behind monstrous concrete walls. Only an absolute tiny number of immediately violent people will need to be secured in what might look like a cell.

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