

Mysterious Disappearance at Sea
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2:57:59 - 3:00:44 (02:45)

The speaker discusses a puzzling disappearance at sea and the various theories surrounding it, including eyewitness accounts and unconfirmed details.

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US intelligence, Russian intelligence officers, Gulf War Syndrome, sarin gas, US military

According to investigations by the US intelligence community, there has been a correlation between the travel of Russian intelligence officers and locations where US officers were attacked. The exposure to sarin gas, believed to cause the Gulf War Syndrome, was from US military strikes on Iraqi sarin stockpiles which made thousands of US military personnel sick.

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Journalists are assassinated in a drug and crime-ridden city, and the murderers are still at large, leaving behind hints of a larger conspiracy.
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Journalists are assassinated in a drug and crime-ridden city, and the murderers are still at large, leaving behind hints of a larger conspiracy.

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9/11 False Flag Theory

The idea that 9/11 was a false flag attack is a common belief among many people, but the speaker refutes this theory by citing historical examples and stating that no one in power would be willing to kill that many Americans.

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Stuff You Should Know
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1:25:37 - 1:26:15 (00:37)
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True Crime

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