The conversation revolves around a comedian's tendency to self-destruct in moments of success, citing examples such as the character Robert De Niro played in "The Comedian," and Tim Dillon's interview with storied manager Barry Katz.
Will Arnett discusses the origin story of SmartLess with comedian David Wain and actor Jason Bateman. The podcast was inspired by a comedy podcast that Arnett did, which led to the trio collaborating on a new show.
Sebastian Maniscalco talks about his past podcast experience and how his current podcast allows him to be more open and honest about his thoughts and feelings.
The speaker reflects on the stark differences between the worlds of comedy and rap music, noting the toll that failing as a comedian can take on one's ego.
Ryan Sickler joins in for an episode of Two Bears, One Cave with Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer, bringing much laughter and raunchy humor to the show. From amateur cartology to dirty jokes, listeners can expect a wild ride.