

Star Trek vs. Star Wars: The Mindset of Fandom
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30:05 - 31:32 (01:26)

In this podcast episode, the host discusses the mindset of fandom and why someone might choose to be a fan of Star Trek as opposed to Star Wars or both. The conversation takes a hard left turn and the topic shifts to the reimagining of the Star Trek franchise and its appeal to new fans.

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The target of the voter suppression is typically people of color, and it manifests itself in different ways in different places- from the 50,000 poll monitors who are going to challenge black and brown voters and question their right to vote to the states like North Carolina start to limit early voting and Sunday voting.
10:59 - 14:08 (03:09)
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Voter Suppression

The target of the voter suppression is typically people of color, and it manifests itself in different ways in different places- from the 50,000 poll monitors who are going to challenge black and brown voters and question their right to vote to the states like North Carolina start to limit early voting and Sunday voting.

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The Tim Ferriss Show
The intersection of voter suppression and climate change is a major concern as black and brown communities are being shut out of their right to a fair voting process and are disproportionately affected by climate change policies.
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Voter Suppression, Climate Change

The intersection of voter suppression and climate change is a major concern as black and brown communities are being shut out of their right to a fair voting process and are disproportionately affected by climate change policies.

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In this episode, John Green and hosts Hank and Katherine discuss how concepts like freedom and socialism are often hijacked from their core meanings, and how a legalistic view of history can help teach important lessons about critical race theory.
04:45 - 10:39 (05:53)
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In this episode, John Green and hosts Hank and Katherine discuss how concepts like freedom and socialism are often hijacked from their core meanings, and how a legalistic view of history can help teach important lessons about critical race theory. They delve into topics such as women's rights, the audacity of protests, and the importance of defining freedom for ourselves.

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