

Supermajority for Aubergifil
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21:33 - 22:54 (01:21)

The Republicans who supported the gun restriction bill and infrastructure bill are now supporting to codify aubergifil. The question arises whether the Republicans can codify abortion rights in the country if they wanted to.

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Same-Sex Marriage

Democrats argue in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act, which would require the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages, while Republicans criticize the bill as a political move to delegitimize the Supreme Court.

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Texas anti-abortion law

The Texas anti-abortion law creates unlimited standing to sue across state boundaries, opens the door to circumventing people's Second Amendment rights, ignores the Republican Party's bedrock plank of ending frivolous lawsuits, and ultimately harms the pro-life movement.

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The Roe v. Wade case was only one of many cases making its way to the Supreme Court around 1970, which coincided with a period of social change.
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Roe v. Wade

The Roe v. Wade case was only one of many cases making its way to the Supreme Court around 1970, which coincided with a period of social change. The decision legalized abortion for any reason, overturning state laws that restricted access to the procedure.

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The landmark decision by the US Supreme Court in 1973 declared unconstitutional all state laws banning abortion, signaling a complete reversal of the country's approach to reproductive rights.
02:07 - 03:19 (01:12)
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Roe v. Wade

The landmark decision by the US Supreme Court in 1973 declared unconstitutional all state laws banning abortion, signaling a complete reversal of the country's approach to reproductive rights. Even though the topic of abortion deserves a full episode, it's worth noting it has been a part of history for a long time.

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Stuff You Should Know
Abortion rights groups are turning to state courts, legislatures, and ballot initiatives to establish firmer protections in state constitutions after the Supreme Court ruled to leave abortion regulation up to the states.
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Abortion Rights

Abortion rights groups are turning to state courts, legislatures, and ballot initiatives to establish firmer protections in state constitutions after the Supreme Court ruled to leave abortion regulation up to the states.

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