Reaction time is a simple test to measure how quickly someone reacts to a stimulus, and it doesn't necessarily correlate with IQ. However, changing the instructions and adding a workload to the brain can help with memory recall and result in interesting research results.
Incorporating frequent low stakes quizzing in a course can effectively improve retention and mastery of the material by connecting earlier and recent material. Recalling information strengthens retention and mastery.
This podcast discusses how our preferred learning styles can affect how we learn and retain information.
The speaker discusses how to appreciate and understand complex theories and equations, such as the Einstein field equation, the Dirac equation, and the Yang-Mills Maxwell equation, without necessarily needing to fully comprehend them.
In this podcast, the hosts discuss the scientific methods to memorize things efficiently and how to retain that information. They emphasize the importance of creating memorable associations and visual cues to help recall the information in the future.