The children's book "Sex is a Funny Word" is among the least explicit when it comes to the mechanics of sex, focusing on precepts of sexual liberalism, gender and sexual inclusivity, and frank discussion of anatomy and pleasure, while yoking discussions of sexuality to discussions of conception, gestation, and birth.
The adrenaline rush during flights can often mimic sexual excitement, leading to unexpected arousal on a plane.
Dr. David Buss discusses the benefits of working with a female co-author for his book on human sexuality and the different perspectives she brought to the research.
A number of people with a wide range of backgrounds and interests are converging on the same demographics, pointing to the cultural significance of the mating crisis, and the need for women to find a way to assert their identity beyond just being people.
Roy Baumeister discusses the social psychology behind sexual interactions, exploring topics such as the female sex drive, the impact of culture on sexuality, and the differences between male and female sexual experiences.