

The Future of Labor in the Era of Information Technology
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08:14 - 10:17 (02:03)

Information technology has lowered communication and transaction costs, allowing for gig economies to become a more present option for freelancers. This can be a positive development for creatives as they become less reliant on traditional corporate structures and can more easily find jobs through social media and online platforms.

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AI can work effectively with small amounts of data, like that generated by a single pizza store, but the cost of hiring an AI team can make it unfeasible for many small businesses.
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AI can work effectively with small amounts of data, like that generated by a single pizza store, but the cost of hiring an AI team can make it unfeasible for many small businesses.

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AI Central Planning

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The predictions of AI capabilities have been completely inverted and wrong, with AI now being able to generate art and talk about emotions. While the future of hybrid human-AI systems is interesting, the possible impacts on individuals born inside of it remain unknown.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence pioneer Demis Hassabis discusses the advancements in AI made by his company, DeepMind, and its potential impact on various industries.

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