

The Historical Sprint of the Ancient Era
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43:40 - 47:45 (04:05)

This is a historical sprint of the ancient world between 615-612 BCE, which was like the last burst of rocket fuel before the ancient era gave way to Greek classics and other stuff. During this period, the Assyrian army was the largest standing military force, equivalent to five modern heavy American divisions or almost eight Soviet field divisions.

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Ancient Middle Eastern History

In this podcast, historian Will Durant emphasizes that ethnic diversity among ancient peoples in the Middle East was common due to constant interactions and intermarriage, leading to changes in language and culture and undermining the idea that ethnicity was the defining characteristic of groups at the time.

The Assyrian Empire and Its Ethnic Diversity
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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Cyrus, the Persian conqueror, initiated a strategy of mercy and tolerance towards the defeated Lydians, which eventually earned him their loyalty and service.
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Cyrus, the Persian conqueror, initiated a strategy of mercy and tolerance towards the defeated Lydians, which eventually earned him their loyalty and service.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The effectiveness of a cavalry is undeniable and they are entirely mounted, making them challenging to the militaries of the day.
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Military History

The effectiveness of a cavalry is undeniable and they are entirely mounted, making them challenging to the militaries of the day. They helped protect civilization from marauding and scary peoples who were not going to leave it intact.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The reliability of ancient authors' numbers on ancient naval battles have been questioned by modern historians, but they haven't reached a consensus on what numbers to use.
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Naval Warfare

The reliability of ancient authors' numbers on ancient naval battles have been questioned by modern historians, but they haven't reached a consensus on what numbers to use. This podcast episode discusses the use of ships in ancient times for transporting armies, and the challenges and risks that came with it.

The Persian Invasion of Greece
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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The city of Nineveh is attacked by the combined forces of the Medes, Babylonians and a horde of Scythians, after the Assyrians were weakened by a civil war, but despite putting up a good fight, the city eventually falls due to its massive fortifications being breached.
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The city of Nineveh is attacked by the combined forces of the Medes, Babylonians and a horde of Scythians, after the Assyrians were weakened by a civil war, but despite putting up a good fight, the city eventually falls due to its massive fortifications being breached.

The Fall of the Assyrian Empire
Show 56 - Kings of Kings
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History