

The Positive Health Benefits of Caffeine
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00:00 - 03:22 (03:22)

This podcast discusses the strong reinforcing effects of caffeine, making us like foods and drinks containing it more than those that don't. However, caffeine also has several positive health benefits, such as neuroprotective and anti-depressive effects, and enhancing mental and physical performance, but it's essential to know when to avoid it.

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The effects of caffeine on sleep vary among individuals. Science suggests that genetics and the build-up of adenosine can both play a role in this.

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Regular intake of caffeine is inversely related to levels of depression, according to a large scale analysis.
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Regular intake of caffeine is inversely related to levels of depression, according to a large scale analysis. Caffeine's effects on other animals gives an insight into its effects on humans, and consuming it at regular intervals can increase mental and physical performance.

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Caffeine works by binding onto adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking adenosine which builds as we stay awake and making us feel less tired, but this process also increases anxiety levels by ramping up the fight or flight response and stress chemistry.

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Drinking a single cup of coffee in the evening can reduce the amount of deep sleep by 30%, which is equivalent to aging a person by 12-14 years. Standardized doses of caffeine can also significantly decrease the amount of deep non-REM sleep, especially in the first two hours of sleep.

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Caffeine can stimulate dopamine production in the brain, particularly in components associated with clarity of thought and wellbeing.
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Caffeine can stimulate dopamine production in the brain, particularly in components associated with clarity of thought and wellbeing. Regular consumption of caffeine increases dopamine receptors in the brain's reward pathways.

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