

The Rise of AI in Creative Work
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1:11:33 - 1:14:48 (03:15)

AI is becoming increasingly capable of generating creative output such as movies and images from natural language commands, drastically expanding the number of people who can produce these products.

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Self-supervised Learning

Learn about the challenges of filtering malicious signals in self-supervised learning, and how Facebook's Meta AI addressed this using only 17,000 tags corresponding to physical things or situations for image recognition systems.

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The predictions of AI capabilities have been completely inverted and wrong, with AI now being able to generate art and talk about emotions.
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Neural Networks

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Deep fakes, videos that use AI to make it look like someone is doing or saying something they never did, are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to detect.

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Artificial Intelligence

The development of AI technology that is similar to humans requires a deeper understanding of human beings and their unique capabilities, including the ability to craft stories that take unexpected turns, according to the podcast discussion of The AI Alignment Podcast.

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