This episode of Crime Junkie presents a mystery dating back to 2002, revolving around the Short family, who vanished mysteriously from their mobile home in Virginia. Chris Thompson, a helpful employee of Michael Short's business, is left stunned when he arrives at Michael's house to no one around in a disturbing, unsolved case which still remains a mystery even today.
Investigators look for leads in the disappearance of Jennifer Short, including talking to the homeowners' realtor and exploring potential business-related motives for the crime.
As the investigation into Megan's disappearance deepened, the police interviewed Jesse, who had a shifting story, and searched his residence and property, but found no sign of her.
Juan Rivera is wrongfully accused and convicted of the murder of Holly Staker, an 11-year-old who was stabbed to death in Waukegan, Illinois. Despite no physical evidence, a confession that was coerced, and a DNA evidence, he spends two decades in prison before finally being exonerated.
The host discusses the case of Christian Longo, who impersonated a journalist and went on the run after murdering his family. She examines his motivations and the psychology behind why someone might commit such a crime.
After Stephen Lapthorne failed to show up for work, his girlfriend filed a missing persons report. Days passed without any clues until a group of friends discovered something in Jerusalem Bay at Cairn Creek.