

The Ultimatum That Preceded the Attack on Pearl Harbor
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2:20:52 - 2:23:59 (03:07)

This episode discusses the concept of the ultimatum that the United States reportedly gave Japan, demanding that they leave China or the US would cut off their raw materials and oil, as well as the Japanese construct that created an artificial time deadline and the role it played in Japan's decision to go to war.

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Japan's move southward into French Indo-China, including Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, was seen as a major threat to the United States, as the raw materials Japan was securing were needed by the US. This prompted serious sanctions from the US, with demands for Japan to withdraw from China as well.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
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Japanese culture

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The second world war is the first major war where oil is an essential resource.
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Oil, War, International Policies

The second world war is the first major war where oil is an essential resource. Countries like Japan, which has almost no access to oil, are vulnerable to the squeezing of their suppliers or even intervention from other countries that want to stop their addiction to Chinese resources.

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