

The Unlikely Rise of Vercingetorix, Part 2
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4:31:39 - 4:35:48 (04:09)

Classicist Michael M. Sage explains how Vercingetorix was able to organize and lead a rebellion made up of different Gallic tribes against the Romans after being exiled from his home city.

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Ancient Rome

Caesar's policy with troublemakers was to eliminate the leaders of the opposition party, as seen in his pursuit of the Gallic resistance and taking out Count Factions and opposing parties within tribes. This approach was a mafia-like strategy and a common practice in dealing with charismatic tribal guerrilla leaders.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
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Caesar defeats the Belgae tribe and destroys their leadership, selling 53,000 people into slavery. He also conquers a neighboring tribe that was coming to the Belgae’s aid.

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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Battle of Alesia was a hard-fought battle between Caesar and the Gallic tribes, resulting in massive slaughter and the surrender of Gallic leader Vercingetorix.
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Battle of Alesia

The Battle of Alesia was a hard-fought battle between Caesar and the Gallic tribes, resulting in massive slaughter and the surrender of Gallic leader Vercingetorix. The exact number of casualties is unknown but estimates suggest that the Celts lost many more than the Romans.

The aftermath of the Battle of Alesia
Show 60 - The Celtic Holocaust
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
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In this episode, the History of Rome podcast discusses how the Celtic people of southern and central Gaul turned against Caesar, realizing that his presence had changed things, and united to fight for their freedom.

Caesar's Conquest of Gaul
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Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
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Roman history

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Show 60 - The Celtic Holocaust
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History