
A creative approach to community climate action | Xavier Cortada
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Published: Thu Dec 15 2022

When he learned of the threat that rising sea levels posed to his coastal hometown of Miami, Florida, eco-artist Xavier Cortada founded a movement around beautifully designed elevation markers highlighting the risk of flood damage. The collaborative art project quickly mobilized action -- and excited some controversy. Watch as Cortada offers a creative vision of community organizing inspired by art that engages, educates and empowers.

The artist and activist, Xavier Cortada, talks about his socially engaged projects, including one aimed at raising awareness about sea-level rise, which invites people to learn from scientists and practitioners and use their imagination to plan for a future with faulty septic tanks and risky real estate.
00:00 - 08:51 (08:51)
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Climate change

The artist and activist, Xavier Cortada, talks about his socially engaged projects, including one aimed at raising awareness about sea-level rise, which invites people to learn from scientists and practitioners and use their imagination to plan for a future with faulty septic tanks and risky real estate.

A creative approach to community climate action | Xavier Cortada
TED Talks Daily
Art can be used as a universal language to engage communities and inspire personal connections with nature, ultimately leading to more eco-conscious actions and a more just world.
08:51 - 11:18 (02:27)
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Art and Environment

Art can be used as a universal language to engage communities and inspire personal connections with nature, ultimately leading to more eco-conscious actions and a more just world.

A creative approach to community climate action | Xavier Cortada
TED Talks Daily