

A new social contract for global climate justice | Huma Yusuf
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Published: Mon Oct 24 2022

Pakistan contributes less than one percent to the global greenhouse gas emissions perpetrating climate change, yet one-third of the country was recently inundated with "biblical" floods that killed hundreds and displaced millions. If we're to move towards a sustainable future in the wake of such tragedies, the response will require more than just infrastructure repairs and a return to the status quo, says columnist Huma Yusuf. She shares a vision for global climate diplomacy where the countries responsible for pollution pay reparations for the damage they've caused, while developing countries bring forward a clean, green future. (Followed by a Q&A with TED Global Curator Bruno Giussani)

Journalist Huma Youssef speaks about the historic flooding in Pakistan caused by the climate crisis and how it is a warning sign for the rest of the world.
00:00 - 02:11 (02:11)
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Climate crisis

Journalist Huma Youssef speaks about the historic flooding in Pakistan caused by the climate crisis and how it is a warning sign for the rest of the world. She urges the need for immediate action to prevent further disasters from occurring.

A new social contract for global climate justice | Huma Yusuf
TED Talks Daily
Developing countries are calling for funding and access to green technologies from developed nations in order to reduce their own emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change linked events, which have devastated countries such as Pakistan due to factors such as corruption and poor governance.
02:11 - 10:15 (08:03)
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Climate Change

Developing countries are calling for funding and access to green technologies from developed nations in order to reduce their own emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change linked events, which have devastated countries such as Pakistan due to factors such as corruption and poor governance.

A new social contract for global climate justice | Huma Yusuf
TED Talks Daily
The floods have submerged the country, with boats navigating around electricity pylons, school buildings, and petrol stations.
10:15 - 11:10 (00:55)
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The floods have submerged the country, with boats navigating around electricity pylons, school buildings, and petrol stations. The devastation clearly indicates a dire need for funding, and it’s time to help them.

A new social contract for global climate justice | Huma Yusuf
TED Talks Daily