

A 3-part plan to take on extreme heat waves | Eleni Myrivili
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Published: Mon Jul 18 2022

The deadliest severe weather phenomenon is something you might not realize: extreme heat. Eleni Myrivili, chief heat officer of the city of Athens, Greece, explains that extreme heat and heat waves are often overlooked because they're not as dramatic as flooding or hurricanes – and breaks down three approaches to keep cities cool in a time of rapid global temperature rise. "Cranking up the air conditioner is just not going to cut it," she says.

Heat advisor Yelaney Miravili’s TED talk sheds light on the severity of extreme heat, a destructive weather phenomenon that is not taken seriously by many nations worldwide.
00:00 - 01:07 (01:07)
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Climate Change

Heat advisor Yelaney Miravili’s TED talk sheds light on the severity of extreme heat, a destructive weather phenomenon that is not taken seriously by many nations worldwide. She offers solutions to combat rising global temperatures.

A 3-part plan to take on extreme heat waves | Eleni Myrivili
TED Talks Daily
The interconnections and interdependencies between different urban systems need to be considered, resources should be used carefully, and backup systems and redundancies must be built in order to develop resilient cities that are sustainable and equitable.
01:07 - 14:07 (13:00)
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Resilient Cities

The interconnections and interdependencies between different urban systems need to be considered, resources should be used carefully, and backup systems and redundancies must be built in order to develop resilient cities that are sustainable and equitable. Examples of such resilience measures include dismantling highways to create blue and green corridors, constructing thick walls with tiny openings or well-placed windows, and using networks like Resilient Cities Network and C40 to support cities.

A 3-part plan to take on extreme heat waves | Eleni Myrivili
TED Talks Daily
Learn how cities such as Paris and Melbourne are innovating to cool down and fight climate change, while also creating healthier and more sustainable environments for their inhabitants.
14:10 - 15:53 (01:43)
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Cities, Climate Change, Health, Wellness, TED Radio Hour, NPR

Learn how cities such as Paris and Melbourne are innovating to cool down and fight climate change, while also creating healthier and more sustainable environments for their inhabitants. The TED Radio Hour's Mind Body Spirit series explores the connection between mental, physical and spiritual health and the breakthroughs in integrating the whole mind.

A 3-part plan to take on extreme heat waves | Eleni Myrivili
TED Talks Daily