
A Tension Deficit with James Harding
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Published: Tue Jan 05 2021

Where do we find the truth? As the business of news has become, well, a business…it seems to have become more and more difficult to actually find the truth. Even search engines are no help. So I called James Harding, former Director of BBC News and the founder and editor-in-chief of Tortoise, a new news service, to uncover the truth about the truth. This is …A Bit of Optimism.YouTube: http://youtube.com/simonsinekFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/simonsinekLinkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/simonsinekInstagram: https://instagram.com/simonsinekTwitter: https://twitter.com/simonsinekPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/officialsimonsinek

Founder and editor in chief of Tortoise, James Harding, joins the podcast to discuss the future of news and its importance in our lives, especially during times of crisis like coronavirus.
00:00 - 01:16 (01:16)
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Founder and editor in chief of Tortoise, James Harding, joins the podcast to discuss the future of news and its importance in our lives, especially during times of crisis like coronavirus.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism
The speaker discusses the impact of social media on the quality and trustworthiness of news and the need for multiple, diverse sources in consuming news.
01:16 - 09:49 (08:33)
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The speaker discusses the impact of social media on the quality and trustworthiness of news and the need for multiple, diverse sources in consuming news.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism
The slow news movement is growing as people want to understand how stories develop, rather than just knowing what happened.
09:49 - 15:36 (05:46)
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Slow News

The slow news movement is growing as people want to understand how stories develop, rather than just knowing what happened. There has been a loss of credibility around traditional news sources and growth of bloggers who are not trained journalists.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism
The line between news and opinion in journalism has been blurred due to business interests dictating what should and should not be reported, creating a necessary tension between traditional media and new media.
15:36 - 28:05 (12:28)
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The line between news and opinion in journalism has been blurred due to business interests dictating what should and should not be reported, creating a necessary tension between traditional media and new media.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism
It's important to maintain a healthy level of tension between traditional news media and new sources of news to promote an entirely new way to deliver news.
28:05 - 34:11 (06:06)
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News Media

It's important to maintain a healthy level of tension between traditional news media and new sources of news to promote an entirely new way to deliver news.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism
The speakers express gratitude towards each other and acknowledge the value of their conversation.
34:11 - 34:43 (00:32)
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The speakers express gratitude towards each other and acknowledge the value of their conversation. A request for the audience to subscribe to the podcast is made.

A Tension Deficit with James Harding
A Bit of Optimism