

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
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Published: Fri Feb 04 2022

Reporters from The Times are joining athletes from around the world as they descend on Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics, where they are encountering the strictest and most wide-ranging health requirements ever attempted at an Olympic Games.China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has made it his goal to keep the coronavirus out of the country as much as possible, and these requirements are an extension of his “zero Covid” strategy.We ask what exactly is the zero-Covid strategy, and how long can it last? And we explore what life is like inside China’s Olympic superbubble.Guest: Amy Qin, an international correspondent for The New York Times.Have you lost a loved one during the pandemic? The Daily is working on a special episode memorializing those we have lost to the coronavirus. If you would like to share their name on the episode, please RECORD A VOICE MEMO and send it to us at [email protected]. You can find more information and specific instructions here.Background reading: Robots, swabs and a big gamble: One Times correspondent details what life is like inside Beijing’s Olympic bubble.China holds the line on “zero Covid,” but some wonder for how long.Want more from The Daily? For one big idea on the news each week from our team, subscribe to our newsletter. For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

The reporter describes her experience inside China's bubble, where airport workers greet her in hazmat suits as she arrives to report.
00:00 - 02:57 (02:57)
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China Coronavirus

The reporter describes her experience inside China's bubble, where airport workers greet her in hazmat suits as she arrives to report. She discusses whether China's approach to the virus can be sustained long-term.

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
The Daily
This podcast examines how China pursued a zero-covid strategy, the reasons as to why they adopted this approach, and the measures that they undertook to achieve zero covid.
02:57 - 08:42 (05:44)
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This podcast examines how China pursued a zero-covid strategy, the reasons as to why they adopted this approach, and the measures that they undertook to achieve zero covid.

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
The Daily
China’s contact tracing process, which requires citizens to scan a code upon entering public places, has evolved to include expanded definitions of close contact and cell phone tracking to combat Covid.
08:42 - 15:30 (06:48)
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contact tracing

China’s contact tracing process, which requires citizens to scan a code upon entering public places, has evolved to include expanded definitions of close contact and cell phone tracking to combat Covid. Reports indicate the success of the government’s zero Covid policy.

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
The Daily
China is shifting their focus from zero COVID cases to controlling small outbreaks of COVID-19 and developing effective vaccines as their population of 1.4 billion people has little immunity to the virus.
15:31 - 22:36 (07:05)
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China is shifting their focus from zero COVID cases to controlling small outbreaks of COVID-19 and developing effective vaccines as their population of 1.4 billion people has little immunity to the virus. This marks a significant shift away from their reputation of controlling the virus and towards coexisting with it.

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
The Daily
President Biden authorized a special forces operation against ISIS leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, resulting in his death.
22:45 - 26:21 (03:36)
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President Biden authorized a special forces operation against ISIS leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, resulting in his death. The operation was chosen to minimize civilian casualties due to the atrocities committed by the leader against the Yazidi people.

A ‘Zero Covid’ Olympics
The Daily