

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
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Published: Mon Apr 09 2018

Hundreds of millions of people tuned into Serial season one back in 2014. Sarah Koenig told us all about the story of 18-year-old high school senior Hae Min Lee who disappeared on January 13th, 1999. Hae's body was later found in Leakin Park, and not too long after the discovery of her body, police zeroed in on their prime suspect: Adnan Syed. Sarah took us all through 12 episodes of "Did he or didn't he?" and many of us ended the season with more questions than answers. But did you know that Serial was just the beginning and there was so much that Sarah never covered? If you listened to Serial season one, you must listen to this single episode that sums up the top four points Serial didn't tell you, but you need to know before you decide whether or not you think Adnan is guilty. We won't be re-covering the Serial story - we jump in assuming you already know it. So, if you haven't listened yet, check out the first season of Serial. For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please visit Sources for this episode cannot be listed here due to character limitations. For a full list of sources, please visit 

This podcast episode provides a comprehensive overview of the facts that were not covered in Season 1 of Serial about Adnan Syed's case, including details about the alibi witness and cell phone evidence.
00:00 - 01:46 (01:46)
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Adnan Syed

This podcast episode provides a comprehensive overview of the facts that were not covered in Season 1 of Serial about Adnan Syed's case, including details about the alibi witness and cell phone evidence.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
The podcast covers the four main points of evidence that everyone needs to consider to make an informed decision about Adnan's case.
01:46 - 08:24 (06:38)
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Adnan's case

The podcast covers the four main points of evidence that everyone needs to consider to make an informed decision about Adnan's case.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
In this episode, legal experts discuss the potential Brady violation and ineffective assistance of counsel in Adnan Syed's case that could result in a new trial.
08:25 - 14:10 (05:45)
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Adnan Syed

In this episode, legal experts discuss the potential Brady violation and ineffective assistance of counsel in Adnan Syed's case that could result in a new trial. They also analyze the prosecution's reliance on cell phone tower location evidence and the possible impact of inaccuracies in such evidence.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
Bloodstain patterns can reveal important information about the position of the body after death and whether it was moved or not.
14:11 - 22:18 (08:07)
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Bloodstain patterns can reveal important information about the position of the body after death and whether it was moved or not. Gravitational pull causes blood to settle in the lowest part of the body, leaving patterns that can help deduce what happened.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
The police investigation surrounding Adnan Syed seemed to have inconsistent details and an apparent bias against Adnan.
22:19 - 32:26 (10:07)
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Adnan Syed

The police investigation surrounding Adnan Syed seemed to have inconsistent details and an apparent bias against Adnan. The prosecution's proof of an alibi for Don wasn't entered into the official pay system and Jay's story seemed to unfold as police found new evidence to fit their theory rather than the other way around.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
Analysis of the case of Adnan Syed, convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, and how DNA evidence could prove his innocence or guilt.
32:27 - 36:23 (03:56)
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Adnan Syed

Analysis of the case of Adnan Syed, convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, and how DNA evidence could prove his innocence or guilt.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie
Adnan Syed's supporters face harassment due to the biased source claims against Rabia, who brought the story to Sarah Koenig, started Undisclosed and wrote the book on Adnan's story.
36:23 - 41:26 (05:02)
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Adnan Syed

Adnan Syed's supporters face harassment due to the biased source claims against Rabia, who brought the story to Sarah Koenig, started Undisclosed and wrote the book on Adnan's story. Supporters firmly believe that one cannot judge someone without walking a mile in their shoes, and that Adnan may have acted differently if he knew how impactful the podcast was going to be.

ADNAN: What Serial Didn't Tell You
Crime Junkie