
#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
Baggage Claim is a YouTuber and movie critic. There have been a lot of female leads in TV and cinema over the last few years. She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, Dr Strange 2 and The Rings Of Power all showed women leading the charge, but just how aspirational and admirable are these role models for the women that watch them? Is it treating them like mature humans or patronising them like fragile idiots? Expect to learn how cultural narcissism has taken hold of Hollywood, why perfect female characters teach women nothing about how to be a good person, why Hollywood relies on performative empathy to feel good, the problem with She-Hulk's dating life, why no one is going to be guilted into watching anything, the lessons to learn from Bros romcom failure and much more... Sponsors: Get the Whoop 4.0 for free and get your first month for free at http://join.whoop.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get over 37% discount on all products site-wide from MyProtein at https://bit.ly/proteinwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Subscribe to Baggage Claim on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/BaggageClaim Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
This podcast episode features two advertisements for wearable tech and electrolyte supplements.
00:00 - 05:30 (05:30)
This podcast episode features two advertisements for wearable tech and electrolyte supplements. Whoop is a wearable tech that helps improve overall health and well-being. Element is an electrolyte supplement in grab-and-go stick packs with science-backed ratios for sodium, potassium, and magnesium, including protein bars and vegan options.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses the trend of deconstructing male characters in the film industry, making them more vulnerable and overshadowed by their female counterparts, and the importance of creating original female characters and roles instead of simply replacing male characters with females.
05:30 - 15:29 (09:58)
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses the trend of deconstructing male characters in the film industry, making them more vulnerable and overshadowed by their female counterparts, and the importance of creating original female characters and roles instead of simply replacing male characters with females.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The portrayal of narcissistic female characters can be harmful to young girls, as it reinforces the idea that women have to be perfect in order to be successful.
15:29 - 21:39 (06:10)
The portrayal of narcissistic female characters can be harmful to young girls, as it reinforces the idea that women have to be perfect in order to be successful. The speaker also discusses the difference in how male and female narcissistic characters are perceived in media.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The act of patronizing marginalized groups can create a culture of people that are resistant to change, growth, and negotiation.
21:39 - 29:54 (08:14)
The act of patronizing marginalized groups can create a culture of people that are resistant to change, growth, and negotiation. This can create an impenetrable shell around individuals, hindering their ability to evolve and progress.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The most recent Lord of the Rings series faces backlash due to forced diversity in its casting, whereas movies like "Bros" are praised for their authentic storytelling of a gay rom-com.
29:54 - 34:28 (04:34)
The most recent Lord of the Rings series faces backlash due to forced diversity in its casting, whereas movies like "Bros" are praised for their authentic storytelling of a gay rom-com.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The trend of Marvel, Star Wars, and Batwoman selling neatly packaged ideals of narcissism is making it harder for people to understand and connect with each other.
34:28 - 43:22 (08:53)
The trend of Marvel, Star Wars, and Batwoman selling neatly packaged ideals of narcissism is making it harder for people to understand and connect with each other. The more people buy into this way of thinking, the greater the divide becomes.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The character America Chavez in the movie Doctor Strange is portrayed as a tokenized marginalized person with two moms and South American descent, while the entire plot revolves around her being hunted by Scarlet Witch and being babysat by Dr.
43:22 - 49:21 (05:59)
The character America Chavez in the movie Doctor Strange is portrayed as a tokenized marginalized person with two moms and South American descent, while the entire plot revolves around her being hunted by Scarlet Witch and being babysat by Dr. Strange. The discussion then shifts to disordered behavior and how it affects decision-making and perception of reality.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The belief that women are prone to exaggerating or fabricating their pain has persisted since the early 1900s when doctors labelled them as "hysterical".
49:21 - 53:41 (04:19)
The belief that women are prone to exaggerating or fabricating their pain has persisted since the early 1900s when doctors labelled them as "hysterical". This perspective has made it challenging to address women's pain adequately, and it's time to stop using a passive-aggressive female version of masculinity to fight against unfair stereotypes.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The gap between the Hollywood elite and the general public is widening, and people are increasingly becoming less convinced of the media class's own internal darkness while becoming more aware of other people's darkness.
53:41 - 1:03:01 (09:20)
The gap between the Hollywood elite and the general public is widening, and people are increasingly becoming less convinced of the media class's own internal darkness while becoming more aware of other people's darkness. This disconnection is evident in the growing divergence between the movie critic and audience scores.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The true role of a studio is to tell stories that resonate with people.
1:03:01 - 1:08:00 (04:59)
The true role of a studio is to tell stories that resonate with people. This can be achieved by creating something popular, or by pushing a virtuous moral ideology.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The dominance of activist writers in Marvel movies is likely to continue for the next five years, as they hold powerful positions and have built up goodwill with their previous storytelling, despite the dissatisfaction of some viewers toward recent films.
1:08:00 - 1:14:10 (06:09)
The dominance of activist writers in Marvel movies is likely to continue for the next five years, as they hold powerful positions and have built up goodwill with their previous storytelling, despite the dissatisfaction of some viewers toward recent films.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
The fear of being called anti-gay or bigoted prevents open discussions and reasonable questions in the production process of movies, hindering diversity in Hollywood.
1:14:10 - 1:19:04 (04:54)
The fear of being called anti-gay or bigoted prevents open discussions and reasonable questions in the production process of movies, hindering diversity in Hollywood. This creates a double standard where anything labeled as pro-gay is celebrated, but anything opposed or critical to it is often met with backlash.
Episode#546 - Baggage Claim - Modern Cinema Treats Women Like Idiots
PodcastModern Wisdom
Baggage Claim discusses her YouTube channel and social media presence in this podcast episode.
1:19:04 - 1:20:27 (01:23)
Baggage Claim discusses her YouTube channel and social media presence in this podcast episode. She provides links to her YouTube page, Twitter, and Instagram account.