

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
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Published: Tue Feb 02 2021

The most direct precursor to January 6th, 2021 was a fascist assault on the French Capitol on February 6th 1934. Today we talk about that and, as a bonus, French Jeffrey Epstein. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.

Jason Petty, also known as Prop, explains the difference between bourbon and whiskey using an analogy.
00:00 - 02:48 (02:48)
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Jason Petty, also known as Prop, explains the difference between bourbon and whiskey using an analogy.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
Comparisons are made to events throughout history including the Dreyfus Affair and the 1934 crisis in France to understand the recent events at the U.S. Capitol.
02:48 - 07:00 (04:11)
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Capitol Insurrection

Comparisons are made to events throughout history including the Dreyfus Affair and the 1934 crisis in France to understand the recent events at the U.S. Capitol.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The conversation revolves around the history of anti-Semitism, starting from Alfred Dreyfus' blasphemy and how the centuries of discrimination and oppression against the Jewish communities have continued to this day.
07:00 - 10:00 (03:00)
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The conversation revolves around the history of anti-Semitism, starting from Alfred Dreyfus' blasphemy and how the centuries of discrimination and oppression against the Jewish communities have continued to this day.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
This podcast explores the origins of whiteness in Europe, starting from the Irish exclusion to the rise of white nationalism in the US and the spread of its ideology through social media and propaganda.
10:00 - 18:33 (08:32)
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This podcast explores the origins of whiteness in Europe, starting from the Irish exclusion to the rise of white nationalism in the US and the spread of its ideology through social media and propaganda.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The speaker touches on the psychological impact of growing a clandestine caliphate and how he wonders if there is any study on the subject.
18:33 - 25:32 (06:59)
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Psychological impact, Caliphate, World War I.

The speaker touches on the psychological impact of growing a clandestine caliphate and how he wonders if there is any study on the subject. He also discusses the untold story of how people from various parts of the world were brought in to fight and die during World War I.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The right has a long history of playing the blame game, finding scapegoats like Jewish people or women, particularly when they lose a war or feel threatened.
25:32 - 28:01 (02:28)
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Right-wing, Blame Game

The right has a long history of playing the blame game, finding scapegoats like Jewish people or women, particularly when they lose a war or feel threatened. Comparisons are drawn to modern-day fears of cultural Marxism.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The speaker reflects on the tendency of people to blame external factors or others for their failures, such as blaming teenagers for losing Vietnam or the "stab in the back" explanation for Germany's loss in World War I.
28:01 - 30:22 (02:21)
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The speaker reflects on the tendency of people to blame external factors or others for their failures, such as blaming teenagers for losing Vietnam or the "stab in the back" explanation for Germany's loss in World War I.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The socialists in France during World War One were considered far left and guilty of wanting to do what France and Germany had been doing for centuries.
30:22 - 36:47 (06:24)
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The socialists in France during World War One were considered far left and guilty of wanting to do what France and Germany had been doing for centuries. The troops they sent to the colonies were African Americans and this jumpstarted racism in Germany.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The French left holds a ceremony for the late founder of the French socialist party, demonstrating left unity, while the French right-wing reacts strongly during the early years of the cartel.
36:47 - 44:08 (07:21)
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The French left holds a ceremony for the late founder of the French socialist party, demonstrating left unity, while the French right-wing reacts strongly during the early years of the cartel.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
In the 1920s, a significant portion of French Catholics and nationalists believed that a communist revolution was imminent.
44:08 - 51:43 (07:35)
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French Nationalism

In the 1920s, a significant portion of French Catholics and nationalists believed that a communist revolution was imminent. Despite their pride in being French, some supporters of right-wing politics denounced fascism as a foreign ideology. Charles Morris, a right-wing journalist, politician and street organizer, was jailed for threatening to have the minister of the interior killed like a dog if police continued to harass the league.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
This episode discusses how big business funded the far-right leagues in France for four years until they withdrew their support, leading to their collapse in 1926 and leaving behind a culture of violent rhetoric and street fighting.
51:43 - 56:19 (04:35)
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French far-right leagues

This episode discusses how big business funded the far-right leagues in France for four years until they withdrew their support, leading to their collapse in 1926 and leaving behind a culture of violent rhetoric and street fighting.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The left consistently wins elections in Europe against the right when they are willing to work together, while the right wing surges by unifying behind making death threats to those they disagree with.
56:19 - 1:01:57 (05:38)
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European Politics

The left consistently wins elections in Europe against the right when they are willing to work together, while the right wing surges by unifying behind making death threats to those they disagree with.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
After extracting millions of francs from a pawn shop with fake gemstones, a man named Stavitsky found himself unable to redeem bonds and turned to a new operation that would ultimately fail, leading to allegations of a financial conspiracy involving radical politicians.
1:01:57 - 1:07:31 (05:33)
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Financial Scandal

After extracting millions of francs from a pawn shop with fake gemstones, a man named Stavitsky found himself unable to redeem bonds and turned to a new operation that would ultimately fail, leading to allegations of a financial conspiracy involving radical politicians.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The Stavisky affair in France led to the resignation of the government and prime minister, and the subsequent attempt to reform the Paris police fueled conspiracy theories and accusations of a cover-up by the right.
1:07:31 - 1:14:50 (07:19)
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The Stavisky affair in France led to the resignation of the government and prime minister, and the subsequent attempt to reform the Paris police fueled conspiracy theories and accusations of a cover-up by the right.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
Maurice, leader of a French action movement, panicked and ordered his forces to shoot into the crowd during the riots before chamber.
1:14:50 - 1:20:08 (05:17)
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French history

Maurice, leader of a French action movement, panicked and ordered his forces to shoot into the crowd during the riots before chamber. Although he had considered the possibility of a coup, it is doubtful that he ever actually planned for it.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The speaker draws similarities between the political climate leading up to the February 6th, 1934 riots in France and the events that led to the Capitol insurrection on January 6th, 2021 in the US.
1:20:08 - 1:25:10 (05:02)
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The speaker draws similarities between the political climate leading up to the February 6th, 1934 riots in France and the events that led to the Capitol insurrection on January 6th, 2021 in the US. Both incidents reveal the insurrectionary far-right's influence on the political right wing.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
Amidst the narrative of Trump mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic leading to the Capitol Insurrection, it's important not to ignore the impact of the media and police that can decide the outcomes of insurrections.
1:25:11 - 1:31:05 (05:54)
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Amidst the narrative of Trump mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic leading to the Capitol Insurrection, it's important not to ignore the impact of the media and police that can decide the outcomes of insurrections.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
The speaker discusses his skepticism towards the FBI's involvement in various events, including the anti-vaxxer movement and the Epstein and Stavitsky cases, and questions why the right-wing community is not more suspicious of them.
1:31:05 - 1:33:46 (02:40)
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Conspiracy theories

The speaker discusses his skepticism towards the FBI's involvement in various events, including the anti-vaxxer movement and the Epstein and Stavitsky cases, and questions why the right-wing community is not more suspicious of them.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
A discussion about the benefits of having a store name that is controversial, such as "F**k Around and Find Trout", to attract customers who identify with the store's values.
1:33:46 - 1:36:09 (02:22)
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A discussion about the benefits of having a store name that is controversial, such as "F**k Around and Find Trout", to attract customers who identify with the store's values.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards
Check out two podcasts: Death Island explores the mysterious deaths of tourists on Koh Tao, while Beauty Translated challenges perceptions of trans people with new conversations and news translations every Monday.
1:36:09 - 1:37:12 (01:03)
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Check out two podcasts: Death Island explores the mysterious deaths of tourists on Koh Tao, while Beauty Translated challenges perceptions of trans people with new conversations and news translations every Monday.

Behind the Insurrections - The (French) Capitol Insurrection
Behind the Bastards