

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
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Published: Wed Mar 29 2023

We sat down and chatted with our great friends Bella & Dallin Lambert who joined us on our sectional to tell us their exciting news... They're ADOPTING!!! We are so excited about this and happy for them and had sooo many questions that we asked in this episode. Make sure to rate our podcast and leave a review if you can, it really helps us out!

A couple shares their excitement about adopting a baby and how it's a guaranteed way to become parents after going through infertility.
00:00 - 00:18 (00:18)
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A couple shares their excitement about adopting a baby and how it's a guaranteed way to become parents after going through infertility.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
A conversation about the importance of authenticity and humility in business and how it can lead to success.
00:18 - 04:01 (03:43)
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A conversation about the importance of authenticity and humility in business and how it can lead to success.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker's boyfriend correctly predicted their engagement after only a few weeks of dating while attending a convention with her.
04:01 - 06:33 (02:31)
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The speaker's boyfriend correctly predicted their engagement after only a few weeks of dating while attending a convention with her.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
A fun video of buying Mr.
06:33 - 08:01 (01:27)
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A fun video of buying Mr. Beast chocolate led to winning a surprise giveaway of a jet ski or a Tesla, among other prizes. The winners share their disbelief and excitement over their unexpected victory.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
A mention of a promotion where Tesla was given away and the speaker appreciated the chocolate bars that were also provided during the promotion.
08:01 - 09:12 (01:10)
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A mention of a promotion where Tesla was given away and the speaker appreciated the chocolate bars that were also provided during the promotion.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
This podcast episode discusses how Mr.
09:12 - 10:28 (01:16)
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Mr. Beast, donation, social media strategy

This podcast episode discusses how Mr. Beast gives away less money to avoid being perceived as fake, and how using a smaller number in the video title can perform better than a larger number.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
In this podcast transcript snippet, the speaker talks about how they were focused and ready for challenges, including the rock climbing challenge, while others were relaxing and eating chocolate.
10:28 - 12:16 (01:48)
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In this podcast transcript snippet, the speaker talks about how they were focused and ready for challenges, including the rock climbing challenge, while others were relaxing and eating chocolate.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker discusses the skepticism surrounding reality TV shows and how some people believe that everything is fake.
12:16 - 14:22 (02:06)
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Reality TV

The speaker discusses the skepticism surrounding reality TV shows and how some people believe that everything is fake. They use the example of the Gordon Ramsay feud to highlight how easily people can be fooled.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
During a Zoom call where she's coordinating a Disney Trip, the speaker wonders if a video is fake but the comments put her mind at ease and because of the individual's pictures promoting it as a real trip.
14:22 - 17:38 (03:16)
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During a Zoom call where she's coordinating a Disney Trip, the speaker wonders if a video is fake but the comments put her mind at ease and because of the individual's pictures promoting it as a real trip.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The importance of being real and raw in online content creation is discussed, highlighting the challenges of maintaining authenticity in the age of staged and fake content.
17:38 - 21:12 (03:33)
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The importance of being real and raw in online content creation is discussed, highlighting the challenges of maintaining authenticity in the age of staged and fake content.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The topic of dealing with sudden fame and success as a YouTuber is discussed, including how it can be overwhelming and isolating.
21:12 - 24:00 (02:47)
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The topic of dealing with sudden fame and success as a YouTuber is discussed, including how it can be overwhelming and isolating. The pressure to maintain a certain level of content creation and engagement with fans can also be challenging.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The podcast host shares her personal experience of being surrounded by people who normalized fake pranks through social media and talks about the negative impact it can have on individuals.
24:00 - 27:37 (03:36)
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Social Media

The podcast host shares her personal experience of being surrounded by people who normalized fake pranks through social media and talks about the negative impact it can have on individuals.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker mentions the vulnerability of children online and the impact on viewership, while also expressing gratitude towards their online community during difficult times.
27:37 - 33:00 (05:23)
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Online Communities

The speaker mentions the vulnerability of children online and the impact on viewership, while also expressing gratitude towards their online community during difficult times. They also mention the hesitation to discuss specific topics for fear of unwanted attention.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
This transcript is a stream of consciousness conversation filled with filler words like "like" and "you know what I mean" that lacks a clear topic or point of discussion.
33:00 - 34:52 (01:52)
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This transcript is a stream of consciousness conversation filled with filler words like "like" and "you know what I mean" that lacks a clear topic or point of discussion.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker shares about the discomfort and awkwardness that can come with pregnancy announcements, especially among siblings.
34:52 - 37:06 (02:13)
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The speaker shares about the discomfort and awkwardness that can come with pregnancy announcements, especially among siblings. The conversation switches to a discussion of back injuries.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
A conversation between two friends about supporting each other through difficult times and being each other's cheerleaders, even through small acts of kindness like holding a friend's newborn baby.
37:06 - 39:31 (02:25)
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A conversation between two friends about supporting each other through difficult times and being each other's cheerleaders, even through small acts of kindness like holding a friend's newborn baby.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker discusses how their social worker helped them cope with infertility and the emotional impact that it had on them.
39:31 - 40:48 (01:17)
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The speaker discusses how their social worker helped them cope with infertility and the emotional impact that it had on them.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss their experiences with the fertility journey and the foster care system.
40:48 - 42:56 (02:07)
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fertility, foster care system

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss their experiences with the fertility journey and the foster care system. They talk about the emotional struggle of disappointment while trying to conceive, and the admirable act of providing a loving home for abandoned children in the system.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker's initial resistance to the idea of adoption and how it affected her view of her parenting abilities.
42:56 - 48:07 (05:11)
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The speaker's initial resistance to the idea of adoption and how it affected her view of her parenting abilities.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
Child trafficking is a severe crime where children may be stolen from their homes and sold.
48:07 - 51:00 (02:53)
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Child Trafficking

Child trafficking is a severe crime where children may be stolen from their homes and sold. It is a prominent issue in some countries, and many organizations work to help victims recover.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The hosts discuss the potential backlash and negative consequences that can arise from sharing personal information online, particularly when it comes to former acquaintances using it against you.
51:00 - 55:20 (04:20)
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Online Privacy

The hosts discuss the potential backlash and negative consequences that can arise from sharing personal information online, particularly when it comes to former acquaintances using it against you.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The speaker emphasizes the importance of who you surround yourself with and shares their excitement about the upcoming birth of their baby, and their openness to different gender possibilities.
55:20 - 59:42 (04:22)
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Personal Growth

The speaker emphasizes the importance of who you surround yourself with and shares their excitement about the upcoming birth of their baby, and their openness to different gender possibilities.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
A discussion about volunteering at a baby shelter and the impact it can make on the infants.
59:42 - 1:02:52 (03:09)
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A discussion about volunteering at a baby shelter and the impact it can make on the infants.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby
The hosts of the podcast express their willingness to adopt a baby and encourage anyone who is considering putting their child up for adoption to reach out to them on Instagram.
1:02:52 - 1:03:35 (00:43)
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The hosts of the podcast express their willingness to adopt a baby and encourage anyone who is considering putting their child up for adoption to reach out to them on Instagram. A listener review is also shared.

Bella & Dallin Lambert on adopting, infertility & faking pranks for views | Ep. 9
The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby