
Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts?
Five years ago, after decades of resistance, the Boy Scouts of America made a momentous change, allowing girls to participate. Since then, tens of thousands have joined.Today we revisit a story, first aired in 2017, about 10-year-old twins deciding which group to join, and find out what’s happened to them since.Background reading: In 2017, the decision to open up the Boy Scouts was celebrated by many women but criticized by the Girl Scouts, which said that girls flourish in all-female groups.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Two 10-year-old twins choose between the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, and the episode revisits their story and finds out what's happened to them since the Boy Scouts of America allowed girls to participate.
00:00 - 02:57 (02:57)
Two 10-year-old twins choose between the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, and the episode revisits their story and finds out what's happened to them since the Boy Scouts of America allowed girls to participate.
EpisodeBoy Scouts or Girl Scouts?
PodcastThe Daily
The historical association between clothing and gender roles has led to stereotypes that dictate what girls and boys "should" wear, and what activities are deemed appropriate for each gender.
02:57 - 07:38 (04:41)
The historical association between clothing and gender roles has led to stereotypes that dictate what girls and boys "should" wear, and what activities are deemed appropriate for each gender.
EpisodeBoy Scouts or Girl Scouts?
PodcastThe Daily
The speaker recounts a childhood memory of Elsa, a leader in building forts during a camp activity.
07:38 - 13:57 (06:18)
The speaker recounts a childhood memory of Elsa, a leader in building forts during a camp activity. The speaker also reflects upon being perceived as gender nonconforming.
EpisodeBoy Scouts or Girl Scouts?
PodcastThe Daily
The Boy Scouts engage in cool crafts like launching mini-rockets while the Girl Scouts lack such activities.
13:57 - 25:15 (11:18)
The Boy Scouts engage in cool crafts like launching mini-rockets while the Girl Scouts lack such activities. Girls felt comfortable with other girls in the Girl Scouts and suggest that girls should be able to concentrate and be themselves around other girls.
EpisodeBoy Scouts or Girl Scouts?
PodcastThe Daily
Attorney General Merrick Garland has approved releasing the warrant for the search of former President Trump's home after he refused to return sensitive presidential documents.
25:15 - 28:01 (02:46)
Attorney General Merrick Garland has approved releasing the warrant for the search of former President Trump's home after he refused to return sensitive presidential documents. Justice Department filed a motion to unseal a search warrant and property receipt in Florida.