
Chapter 2: Burn The Witch
As "Harry Potter" becomes an international phenomenon, it coincides with the culture wars of the 1990s. In the backlash from Christians across America, author J.K. Rowling is accused of mainstreaming witchcraft and poisoning children’s minds. Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, and Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe. This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at thefire.org.
The podcast discusses how free speech is often viewed as dangerous and even listening to ideological opponents is morally wrong.
00:00 - 01:58 (01:58)
The podcast discusses how free speech is often viewed as dangerous and even listening to ideological opponents is morally wrong. FIRE shares a mission with the podcast to remind people of the importance of a culture of free speech and open dialogue.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
This podcast discusses the dark side of the 90s, including the 1992 Colorado constitutional amendment against legal protection for homosexuals, the riots that broke out after white cops beat a black man, and the censorship faced by Harry Potter for being deemed dangerous for children.
01:58 - 09:26 (07:27)
This podcast discusses the dark side of the 90s, including the 1992 Colorado constitutional amendment against legal protection for homosexuals, the riots that broke out after white cops beat a black man, and the censorship faced by Harry Potter for being deemed dangerous for children.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
This podcast episode discusses the negative reaction to gothic fashion in schools, along with the history of school shootings in America, including the Columbine tragedy and the Waco siege.
09:26 - 20:00 (10:33)
This podcast episode discusses the negative reaction to gothic fashion in schools, along with the history of school shootings in America, including the Columbine tragedy and the Waco siege.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Some people criticize Harry Potter books for introducing children to mature and dark themes such as human sacrifice and possession of the human body.
20:27 - 28:03 (07:36)
Some people criticize Harry Potter books for introducing children to mature and dark themes such as human sacrifice and possession of the human body. However, the books have also achieved huge sales and are encouraged by respected publishers to be read to children in schools.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The popularity of the Harry Potter book series has sparked controversy, with some parents saying it promotes literacy while others claim that it promotes witchcraft and evil.
28:03 - 34:19 (06:16)
The popularity of the Harry Potter book series has sparked controversy, with some parents saying it promotes literacy while others claim that it promotes witchcraft and evil. This has led to debates about whether the books should be available in school libraries or not.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Young environmentalists are drawn to the earth-based spirituality of witchcraft, including the Wiccan focus on nature and the worship of a goddess and god.
34:19 - 39:31 (05:12)
Young environmentalists are drawn to the earth-based spirituality of witchcraft, including the Wiccan focus on nature and the worship of a goddess and god. While some argue that the portrayal of witchcraft in certain media is not accurately representative of traditional witchcraft practices, the trend has grown increasingly popular among younger generations.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Banning books can set a dangerous precedent for limiting freedom of information, and can lead to non-Christians banning books that Christians would approve of.
39:31 - 45:16 (05:45)
Banning books can set a dangerous precedent for limiting freedom of information, and can lead to non-Christians banning books that Christians would approve of. A court case in favor of freedom of information ruled that parents do not have the right to restrict access to books deemed inconsistent with their version of Christianity.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Alice Hoffman highlights the concept of book banning and how it is often motivated by a belief in righteousness, pointing out the significance of the starting point of the Harry Potter series which involves the burning of books and the suppression of curiosity.
45:17 - 53:09 (07:52)
Alice Hoffman highlights the concept of book banning and how it is often motivated by a belief in righteousness, pointing out the significance of the starting point of the Harry Potter series which involves the burning of books and the suppression of curiosity.
EpisodeChapter 2: Burn The Witch
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The speaker discusses J.K. Rowling's recent controversial statements on the trans community and how her platform is putting trans lives at risk.
53:09 - 55:25 (02:16)
The speaker discusses J.K. Rowling's recent controversial statements on the trans community and how her platform is putting trans lives at risk. The speaker also expresses concern over the harmful impact of the Harry Potter franchise on children today.