
Chapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
Host Megan Phelps-Roper asks J.K. Rowling to respond to pushback from some of her critics. The two also discuss the difficulty of discernment—why it can be so hard to know what’s right. Produced by Andy Mills, Matthew Boll, Megan Phelps-Roper, with special thanks to Candace Mittel Kahn and Emily Yoffe. This show is proudly sponsored by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. FIRE believes free speech makes free people. Learn more at thefire.org.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) defends the importance of a culture of free speech and open dialogue, even in a society where it is often viewed as dangerous and morally wrong.
00:00 - 02:43 (02:43)
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) defends the importance of a culture of free speech and open dialogue, even in a society where it is often viewed as dangerous and morally wrong. As free speech becomes increasingly suspect and censored, the need for organizations like FIRE becomes invaluable.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The Salem Witch Trials were a terrifying moment in human history where 19 people were hanged.
02:50 - 12:16 (09:25)
The Salem Witch Trials were a terrifying moment in human history where 19 people were hanged. The educated and dedicated members of society who were searching for justice came to this conclusion, which demonstrates the frightening nature of being human.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The idea that asking questions or standing up for women's rights is indirect bigotry is a bad faith argument, according to the speaker.
12:16 - 19:21 (07:05)
The idea that asking questions or standing up for women's rights is indirect bigotry is a bad faith argument, according to the speaker. They criticize the notion that raising valid concerns can be considered problematic.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Feminists are asking for certain spaces, such as rape shelters, to remain female only or for separate provisions to be made for both women and trans individuals, leading to accusations of making trans women second class women.
19:21 - 24:36 (05:14)
Feminists are asking for certain spaces, such as rape shelters, to remain female only or for separate provisions to be made for both women and trans individuals, leading to accusations of making trans women second class women. However, a way forward can be found where both groups can retain their existing rights and be properly protected.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The left's puritanical and authoritarian behavior is causing people to feel shamed and abused, and driving them towards the far-right and outright instead.
24:37 - 31:42 (07:05)
The left's puritanical and authoritarian behavior is causing people to feel shamed and abused, and driving them towards the far-right and outright instead. The left needs to be more careful in espousing quasi-religious and witch-hunting behaviors, as it creates a deep divide between people and benefits the far-right and misogynist movement.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling expresses her concerns about language used by institutions around gender, and her opinion on educational institutions shutting down freedom of thought and expression on transgender rights.
31:43 - 40:00 (08:17)
J.K. Rowling expresses her concerns about language used by institutions around gender, and her opinion on educational institutions shutting down freedom of thought and expression on transgender rights.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
The podcast delves into the topic of black and white thinking, self-confidence, and how ideologies like Westboro Baptist Church can negatively impact people's beliefs.
40:00 - 48:56 (08:56)
The podcast delves into the topic of black and white thinking, self-confidence, and how ideologies like Westboro Baptist Church can negatively impact people's beliefs. The episode also questioned how to move forward and trust one's own thinking amid changing beliefs and ideas.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
Even when trying to do good, it can be terrifying to realize what people are capable of.
48:57 - 57:45 (08:47)
Even when trying to do good, it can be terrifying to realize what people are capable of. However, the desire to do good is something that can be tapped into, and honest conversations are crucial for changing hearts and minds.
EpisodeChapter 7: What If You're Wrong?
PodcastThe Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
This podcast series aims to help people have difficult conversations by listening with empathy and speaking with honesty, featuring stories shared by people and feedback from friends along the way.
57:46 - 1:02:09 (04:23)
This podcast series aims to help people have difficult conversations by listening with empathy and speaking with honesty, featuring stories shared by people and feedback from friends along the way.