
#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
Daniel Schmachtenberger works in preventing global catastrophic risk. As someone who spends a lot of time thinking about how to improve our entire civilisation - I wanted to find out where self development and maximising personal agency fits into Daniel's perspective. I really enjoyed this change of pace. The conversation is deep, insightful and considered. If you're in the right place to hear the message, this could have a profound impact on the way you see the world. Sponsor: Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/MODERNWISDOM (Enter promo code MODERNWISDOM for 85% off and 3 Months Free) Extra Stuff: Check out Daniel's Website - https://civilizationemerging.com/ Take a break from alcohol and upgrade your life - https://6monthssober.com/podcast Check out everything I recommend from books to products - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Join the discussion with me and other like minded listeners in the episode comments on the MW YouTube Channel or message me... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ModernWisdomPodcast Email: https://www.chriswillx.com/contact
In this episode, the host interviews Daniel Schmachtenberger, who works in the field of preventing global catastrophic risk, to get his insights on self-development and personal growth.
00:00 - 03:53 (03:53)
In this episode, the host interviews Daniel Schmachtenberger, who works in the field of preventing global catastrophic risk, to get his insights on self-development and personal growth. They discuss the meaning of a fulfilling life, existentialism, metaphysics, and other related topics.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The current world situation creates a context where different skills and sense making are needed to serve and protect against unnecessary harm and increase the quality of life, compared to what was needed thousands of years ago.
03:53 - 12:50 (08:57)
The current world situation creates a context where different skills and sense making are needed to serve and protect against unnecessary harm and increase the quality of life, compared to what was needed thousands of years ago.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
A discussion on genuine leadership and the importance of self-reflection in understanding one's true desires and motivations.
12:52 - 20:21 (07:29)
A discussion on genuine leadership and the importance of self-reflection in understanding one's true desires and motivations.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
This episode discusses the three different ontological categories - third person, first person, and the relationship between the two, and how they relate to science, ethics, and existentialism.
20:21 - 32:51 (12:30)
This episode discusses the three different ontological categories - third person, first person, and the relationship between the two, and how they relate to science, ethics, and existentialism.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
As we approach the future of AI, IoT, geoengineering and bioengineering, it's crucial to develop a more civil, responsible and sustainable civilization that can handle the power of these technologies without destroying ourselves.
32:51 - 42:18 (09:27)
As we approach the future of AI, IoT, geoengineering and bioengineering, it's crucial to develop a more civil, responsible and sustainable civilization that can handle the power of these technologies without destroying ourselves. The current rivalry-based financial system and the quest for power needs to be replaced with a more cooperative and collaborative approach.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
With multiple actors possessing various forms of catastrophic weapons, the world has become incredibly unstable and lacking clear counters, creating challenges for navigating towards security.
42:18 - 51:20 (09:02)
With multiple actors possessing various forms of catastrophic weapons, the world has become incredibly unstable and lacking clear counters, creating challenges for navigating towards security. Meanwhile, cells need to coordinate with surrounding cells to maintain the overall health of the tissue and body.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
Identifying factors that lead to harm and sociopathy in humans, and supporting the best qualities, is crucial in human development.
51:20 - 1:02:06 (10:45)
Identifying factors that lead to harm and sociopathy in humans, and supporting the best qualities, is crucial in human development. Anticipating harm and prioritizing self-preservation can lead to selfish behavior, which provides short-term benefits but can harm the larger community in the long run.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker argues that consciousness is not purely computational and that right action involves understanding what is true and what is meaningful, and discusses the usefulness of primitive creatures in helping us overcome inertia.
1:02:08 - 1:07:22 (05:13)
The speaker argues that consciousness is not purely computational and that right action involves understanding what is true and what is meaningful, and discusses the usefulness of primitive creatures in helping us overcome inertia.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The purpose of reality cannot be simplified into a single concept like love or growth, and attempting to do so creates ill-formed questions.
1:07:22 - 1:14:12 (06:50)
The purpose of reality cannot be simplified into a single concept like love or growth, and attempting to do so creates ill-formed questions. Purpose is a smaller concept than reality itself and cannot be applied in the same way.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The concept of emergent properties can be used to describe how consciousness arises from physical matter, without attributing it to any specific part of the system.
1:14:13 - 1:21:49 (07:36)
The concept of emergent properties can be used to describe how consciousness arises from physical matter, without attributing it to any specific part of the system. This touches on the idea of how consciousness is related to both the brain and the body container that it resides in.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The simple things in life can bring genuine pleasure and allow us to develop ourselves, while complex things may actually hinder us.
1:21:51 - 1:29:29 (07:38)
The simple things in life can bring genuine pleasure and allow us to develop ourselves, while complex things may actually hinder us. The reward for those who understand this can be a life filled with more simplicity and purity.
Episode#179 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Reality, Meaning & Self-Development
PodcastModern Wisdom
The inability to feel negative emotions can lead to sociopathy but on the other hand, feeling intense emotions like anger during unjust situations is a natural human response.
1:29:29 - 1:35:33 (06:03)
The inability to feel negative emotions can lead to sociopathy but on the other hand, feeling intense emotions like anger during unjust situations is a natural human response. However, in those moments, we're not pondering the meaning of life; it's more about instinct and reaction.